When your child turns 21 they will move from being served by the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS) to the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD). You should make yourself aware of what this means WELL BEFORE your child turns 21 (see My Child is Between 14-21 section under the Support drop down of this website page).
In order to be eligible for DDD aid/support, your child must have Medicaid which they will get automatically if they applied for and got Social Security.
This page is intended to provide you with useful information and resources that will support you in your child's transition out of high school and into the state care program.
Last year of High School.....IEP Considerations
1. Make sure you have contacted DDD and they participate in your last IEP meeting.
2. Try to time your child's last round of testing to coordinate with their last year of public school - this will be the LAST TIME you will get FREE evaluations. The closer they are to the date your child exits the school system, the more useful they will be going forward.
Watch the school calendar....become familiar with the following from the NJ Department of Developmental Disabilities (DDD):
IMPORTANT - DDD 2019 - Aging out of school system calendar
Each year this calendar is renewed - UNDERSTAND WHAT SHOULD BE DONE BY WHEN.
NJ Comprehensive Assessment Tool (NJ CAT)
Once test is completed and submitted you will be informed as to what "Tier" you child is in. Each tier comes with a specific DDD annual budget for you to use in the fee -for-service program (see next link below for current budgets by tier). When answering the CAT, answer the questions as if you dropped your child off at a hotel by themselves for a weeks stay.
Fee for Service System Individual Budgets: Supports Program vs. Community Care Program
FY 2019 Fee for Service Rate Rate Schedule - Quick Reference Guide
Watch the school calendar....become familiar with the following from the NJ Department of Developmental Disabilities (DDD):
IMPORTANT - DDD 2019 - Aging out of school system calendar
Each year this calendar is renewed - UNDERSTAND WHAT SHOULD BE DONE BY WHEN.
NJ Comprehensive Assessment Tool (NJ CAT)
Once test is completed and submitted you will be informed as to what "Tier" you child is in. Each tier comes with a specific DDD annual budget for you to use in the fee -for-service program (see next link below for current budgets by tier). When answering the CAT, answer the questions as if you dropped your child off at a hotel by themselves for a weeks stay.
Fee for Service System Individual Budgets: Supports Program vs. Community Care Program
FY 2019 Fee for Service Rate Rate Schedule - Quick Reference Guide
DDD Supports Program Policies & Procedures Manual
DDD Community Care Program Policies & Procedures Manual
Supports Program Policies and Procedures Manual: A Quick Guide for Families: This 20 page quick guide was developed by the Regional Family Support Planning Council members in collaboration with DDD. It is a comprehensive yet uncomplicated format for families.
A printed copy is available upon request for FREE. Request a copy by clicking on this link: Free Copy
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